Supporting Adults

When you’re feeling stuck or unhappy with a certain part of your life it can feel really overwhelming. There’s so much advice and so many possible solutions out there that after unsuccessfully trying a few different things it can start to get disheartening and feel quite hopeless.

About 10 years ago I began to notice patterns in my behaviour that could be attributed to my early experiences. After much studying, research and clinical work with clients I now know that our early years hugely influence how we develop and go on to behave and experience things as adults. In our early years our brain and nervous system are developing and being primed to perceive life and react to things in our own unique and specific ways. The experiences we have in childhood and what’s modelled by those around us informs our understanding and experience of the world.

Counselling can give you the opportunity to reflect on your current circumstances and to work out what’s needed to move forward. Working with me allows you to consider your unique early start in life and the patterns created during this important time. Drawing on child development theories can be an enormously enlightening and powerful tool, offering a deeper awareness and understanding of ourselves. With this new understanding we naturally become able to see what we specifically need to shift and feel better.



How I can support you

I’ve had success offering support to adults either for current issues in the here and now or for unresolved difficulties from their past. The work I do allows you to discuss openly what is troubling you and consider new ways forward in a safe & non-judgmental setting.



I have experience working with

Anger issues



Breakdown in family relations


Childhood issues

Changes to family circumstances


Health issues

Parental guidance & boundaries

Postnatal depression


Social anxiety

Stress management

Suicidal feelings

Work related issues




Initial Assessment Session

The first session is a little different to the rest. It’s 60 minutes and we use the time to look in detail at your developmental history and childhood experiences. I ask a series of questions to gain an understanding of your early life blueprint and we get really clear on what you’re really needing.



Ongoing Sessions

All on-going sessions after the initial assessment session are 50 minutes and can be more lead by you and your needs that week.

In all sessions I will hold in mind the info collected in the assessment and the ways it might be shaping your current experiences.

Are you ready to begin?